
August 16, 2023
How to properly track your Technical Efficiency score and Infrastructure Leakage Index
As a smart utility, there are undoubtedly many key performance indicators (KPI) that you’re already tracking in terms of your DMA performance, to measure efficiency and compare with your goals.
But there are two values that are often overlooked, that are key to developing effective strategies for proper non-revenue water (NRW) management, and prioritizing activities. And they are Technical Efficiency and Infrastructure Leakage Index.

June 21, 2023
Addressing Water Scarcity and Climate Change: A Global Challenge
Water scarcity and stress, exacerbated by climate change, are pressing global issues with far-reaching implications for sustainability. As the world becomes increasingly thirsty, compounded by the growth of the global population, the problem of water scarcity is set to intensify. Currently, an estimated 2 billion people reside in water-stressed areas, and projections for 2040 indicate that 44 countries will face "extremely high" or "high" water stress levels.

November 29, 2022
See what’s happening in your network’s blind-spots with these 3 predictive management steps
Water loss reduction is often the primary motivation for investing in a central event management (CEM) solution. And its benefits are felt across the board, in terms of water, cost, and time savings, not to mention overall customer service.
But despite its name, central event management is about far more than managing events; it’s also about improving the network and monitoring infrastructure.

October 19, 2022
The path forward: smarter, data-rich water management
Water management technologies have evolved dramatically since the days when listening sticks were about the only leak detection device available to utilities. And today, water management is about far more than leak detection. In fact, it’s no longer even about just water management; now it’s increasingly about data technologies and smart water management.
So, why is smart water management needed? And where is it going from here?

August 30, 2022
“Are We Ready for a CEM solution?” – What’s Needed for Success
Utilities considering a Central Event Management (CEM) solution are often unsure if they are ready to deploy and adopt such a system. Leveraging our experience with utilities that have implemented TaKaDu, this article summarizes the fundamentals that are needed, including tips on how to best ready your organization.

July 13, 2022
From the Field: Delving into DMAs and Devices
“From the Field” is a series of interviews in which water utility operators share their insights and experiences on varied topics.
In this article, professionals at several utilities share their experience and thoughts about DMAs and the monitoring devices they use in them, current strategies and plans for the future.

April 26, 2022
From the Field: What Happens When You Start Bridging Silos?
“From the Field” is a series of interviews in which water utility operators share their insights and experiences on varied topics.
Hearing from peers in other water utilities is one of the best ways to get new ideas and gain more understanding about issues and trends. In this series of occasional articles, we ask several water professionals to share their thoughts on a particular topic.

March 30, 2022
CEM Key Performance Benchmarks
In almost every industry, using key performance indicators (KPIs) as benchmarks is a well-known approach for driving operational excellence and continuous improvement. But, developing KPIs requires a lot of experience and a massive amount of data from a wide swath of sources.

March 8, 2022
From the Field: Top Priorities 2022-2023
Hearing from peers in other water utilities is one of the best ways to get new ideas and gain more understanding about issues and trends. In this series of occasional articles, we ask several water professionals to share their thoughts on a particular topic.
This article focuses on what utilities see as their main priorities over the coming couple of years, in general, and particularly related to maintenance.

July 6, 2021
The Value of CEM – Looking Beyond the Numbers
The senior management at any water utility looking seriously into a Central Event Management (CEM) solution will inevitably want to see the financial justification. And rightly so. As with any significant technology investment, it’s important to understand what kind of return can be expected, and the likely timeline for seeing the value.

May 25, 2021
Managing Change – A Vital Ingredient to CEM Success
Adopting a Central Event Management (CEM) solution is an ongoing process that starts before the solution is installed and continues long after it goes live. As with any enterprise solution, the introduction of CEM is not just about getting the IT right; it also means changes are needed to many work processes and staff roles.

October 28, 2020
5 Hidden Challenges for Water Utilities – Insights from the Field
In more than a decade of working with water utilities around the globe on Central Event Management (CEM) system implementations, I’ve repeatedly seen that the network management challenges that managers think they’re facing are (almost literally) only the tip of the iceberg.